Friday, January 7, 2022

What Do You Want To Say Meaning In Bengali

I just want to ask one question, how is having Bengali as the official language of Bengal bad??????? Bengalees are not asking the rest of India to adopt Bengali and teach Bengali in the schools of Kanyakumari. They are continuing the language of their own state in their own state. When Hindi is the official language of Bihar it is their culture and when Bnegali is the official language of Bengal it is linguistic chauvinism!!!!!

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - I just want to ask one question

It is like when son comes home at late night from office he is working hard and when daughter in law does the same she is characterless!!!! We are not going to be apologetic about loving our language and culture. 'worshiping' Tagore and Ray do not make us bad. What makes us bad is the lack of work culture, political violence, illegal infiltration as well as economic stagnation. If you really care about Bengal then talk about these things and if possible try to come up with some suggestions that people can work on. Only hurting the cultural sentiment of the bengalees may gain you some favor of North India, it will not help Bengal in anyway.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - Bengalees are not asking the rest of India to adopt Bengali and teach Bengali in the schools of Kanyakumari

If that is what you want then do it openly. We already have hundreds of such bengali/bihari people residing in bengal and doing it day and night. But don't take the garb of being a wellwisher of Bengal.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - They are continuing the language of their own state in their own state

That way you unnecessarily waste the time of serious readers who get misled by the appearance and waste time reading the article thinking there will be some sense in it. I never commented on anything like this before but after reading this article Yeah i have too. Yes, this is so true and current situation of bengal needs to get evolved and developed.This will not going to stop the politics, crime, riots and lack of jobs until we step forward. I always believe in power of unity with a correct light. We all need to stand up and needs to change the face of bengal by changing our mindset.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - When Hindi is the official language of Bihar it is their culture and when Bnegali is the official language of Bengal it is linguistic chauvinism

The tagore , subhash bose and satyajit are the icons there is nothing wrong by remembering them and get nostalgic. The problem is after modi government established in 2013 ,people are having keen interest in politics. The people of small towns are more interested in discussing politics that too criticizing modi. People need to accept him and start focusing on themselves what they are meant for and what they are doing for county and their state.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - It is like when son comes home at late night from office he is working hard and when daughter in law does the same she is characterless

At the end west bengal is still powerful and can manage everything . Just they need the right light to focus on. Every human should remember his past and be more proud if it is glorious.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - We are not going to be apologetic about loving our language and culture

Most of states in India have regional language in their state government offices and why not? Otherwise another states and countries could have better cultures. Cultures comes from intelligence, test and understanding. And it is said well that " what bengali will think today , rest of the country will think tomorrow." West Bengal 1st said about the faulty covid kits. We know we are decaying, I truly believe we will take care of that.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - worshiping Tagore and Ray do not make us bad

Don't be hateful, rather be furious if you can, like Bengalis. The writer of this article should be ashamed of himself/herself. You mentioned a point about imposition of the Bengali language as a political vendetta but have you noticed the fact the the Bengali language is itself dying out. How many of this generation can fluently read and write Bengali? The government is trying to save the language from dying out.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - What makes us bad is the lack of work culture

And about the health infrastructure I am sorry to say this the govt. Does provide enough for it it's up-to the people how they use it how they maintain it. The govt can't teach them do this and do that.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - If you really care about Bengal then talk about these things and if possible try to come up with some suggestions that people can work on

When we talk about Ray and Tagore or of Amarty sen and others it's a matter of Bengali pride. And for the poor economic condition, the fact is who is going to listen to intellectuals. Indians are always swayed by communal politics and Bengal is also not above it. Unless and until we do away with this communalism Indian economy will not flourished nor will of Bengal. That Bengalis are emotional fools who do not think about the present? Well, then I suggest that you talk to the Bengali intelligentsia a little more than you have, because you evidently have not.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - Only hurting the cultural sentiment of the bengalees may gain you some favor of North India

And how exactly can you call the promotion of Bengali linguistic chauvinism? Puttin guns to people's heads and making them read Bengali is a crime but proposing to make it an official language is the right of the star where most people speak Bengali. And about Ray and Tagore— why will we not feel proud? It isn't as if we are only studying there work and reveling in the suspension of the present. If you want to criticize a State's political streetscape, you should do so without involving the native community of that State. And talking about the Bengal and Bengali trope—we are not that dimwitted that such statements will sway our ideologies.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - If that is what you want then do it openly

We are a proud community and we like to talk about books. Yes, I myself am a bibliophile and I do believe that the elementary test of being deemed as a Bengali is the ability to appreciate Ray and Tagore. But that certainly is not related to the economic instability of Bengal. I, as a reader of this article, am appalled at the travesty that this article has proven to be. Please employ better journalists who can indulge in novel articles beyond these Gen Z cliches. I am not sure why this article has got so much reaction.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - We already have hundreds of such bengalibihari people residing in bengal and doing it day and night

What I mostly get from twitter and news channels these days is that Bengal is most underdeveloped, unindustrialised, dilapidated state in the country. I respect the respective states for creating job opportunities for me but someday we'll realise that a thriving economy is not the only parameter. Bangalore runs of foreign money, some people I know in Bombay live in smaller house than my mom's kitchen.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - But dont take the garb of being a wellwisher of Bengal

I request all the commentors to please look at the health/ poverty/ iip / mmr/imr data of west bengal , please check how West Bengal has a good and successful food security programme. There is so much to improve , we need to think of it as one, Bengal does not deserve to be called Waste Bengal, anyone who calls it so does not know her facts. Dear Arun, can you please tell me one state where everything is perfect in every aspect?

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - That way you unnecessarily waste the time of serious readers who get misled by the appearance and waste time reading the article thinking there will be some sense in it

Yes after Congress under cpim era industrialization didn't enter in our state and in current situation it's not entering because of political problems. But that doesn't mean in future we'll not let industrialization or entrepreneurship to happen in WB. But this just article shows hatred for our community. Whoever Deblina is, but she is definitely not a bengali or might be a highly depressed person. Just remember, history knows that bengalis have suffered a lot, but they never give up and will never. And we will always read books of Tagore, B.C. Chatterjee, Jibanananda Das(list goes on..) for some positivity and creative ideas.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - I never commented on anything like this before but after reading this article Yeah i have too

What is wrong if the governments try to promote Bengali as official language? If India can promote Hindi as official and other non-hindi speaking states can promote their regional language, why not West Bengal. The author seems dillusional and hardly any proper idea about Bengal and Bengalis though by name, she is Bengali. She seemed out of subject to write an article. I regret to see that there are such Bengalis in our community! When every other country and race are promoting their languages, some of the Bengalis take us down for doing that!

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - Yes

At first, we make them idols and then we try to throw them away and terming motherland as waste Bengal. If you are ashamed of being a Bengali then please discard your last name because that also carries a Bengali legacy. It is very easy to write prophetic suggestions without giving a solution and also without any knowledge of ground zero. Your approach is extremely vague by maligning the rich Bengali culture and our heritage due to unavailability of jobs, proper healthcare??? Ha ha ha… So funny you are Ms. Debalina Dey.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - I always believe in power of unity with a correct light

What Did You Say Meaning In Bengali We will work together for a brighter Bengal. No, but you'll never come for this cause because it is easier to write few strong maligning words in an AC room rather than working at ground level for years for a brighter Bengal. But the truth is that we are never ashamed of people like you because we are least bothered about your literary works in your fantasizing world who is trying to malign her own race. This is not what Rabindranath Thakur or Satyajit Ray taught us. Moreover, I believe that your knowledge is somewhat bound to only these 2 great legends because there are innumerable Bengali legends to name and believe me the list is exhaustive. And many of them are alive today and still contributing to the society and the world at large, silently.

What Did You Say Meaning In Bengali

You are THE famous critic with a critical, complex mind and trying to gain popularity by maligning your own past. Some facts I do agree, but mostly the current state of Bengal is not because if it's cultural orientation but absolutely political. Bengalies are still surviving and doing fairly well because of their cultural orientation.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - The tagore

Bengalies who have done fairly well in life also have retained their strong cultural orientation. Further, nothing has stagnated as you blindly pointed at. Culture in not what you invent today but what you do today based on your learnings from yesterday.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - The problem is after modi government established in 2013

If one ignores or forgets ones yesterday, then the one becomes disoriented and clueless and messed up just like you here! People who start writing articles with their disoriented mind are foolish too. If you ever come out of this cultural ignorance, you'll probably be a good writer too. Bengalies have time and again survived any situation and proven themselves because of their cultural orientation and respect for their past and belief in their learned ancestors.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - The people of small towns are more interested in discussing politics that too criticizing modi

I see your ignorance and perversion, and being a Bengali myself, I pardon you and wish you be blessed with some culture! If I really have to give a piece of my mind over the article then , it's not certainly poorly written but the writer needs to have more facts at her/his hand while writting such an article . The Bengali hubris is hurt if an article like this is published when Bengal itself is in such a dire state . Bengali is an important community language in the UK. Unfortunately, as the 2001 census did not question languages spoken there is no reliable data to confirm exactly how many Bengali speakers currently live in the UK. However, the 2001 census was translated into 24 different languages, including Bengali.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - People need to accept him and start focusing on themselves what they are meant for and what they are doing for county and their state

In 2003, the Central Office of Information was commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions to undertake a review of the ethnic minority languages used by the department. The review aimed to assess the communication needs of each community and recommend the languages into which the DWP information should be translated. Ten key languages were recommended, including Bengali. The Translation People is regularly approached by housing associations and public sector bodies, who request both Bengali translation and Bengali interpreters. Bengal's healthcare is good is if not great, I've seen several people from my state crossing over to Bengal and get treated. The poverty statistics, healthcare statistics nowhere shows that Bengal is doing very poorly.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - At the end west bengal is still powerful and can manage everything

Adivasi rights, gender equality, regional equality is much better. I've been to North Karnataka, Marathwada, East Gujrat etc, you can see the state's neglect in these regions. The west coast benefited from the oil boom in 70 80s. Bengal suffered from freight equalisation policy at the same time. Jadavpur and Calcutta univ are the top state funded universities in QS global rankings. Ms. Dey, congratulations on writing such an enlightening article.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - Just they need the right light to focus on

It has drawn the attention of many in such a short span of time. However, if there was any other objective beyond that, it is unfortunately lost amidst the "waste". Were you trying to create awareness among Bengalis? Is your article about the wasted pride in culture or about the economy, or the political scenario, or permit me to extend the imagination, to COVID cases found in Bengal? Whatever be it, it seems you are not even sure what you want to write about. And either way your knowledge about neither seems commendable.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - Every human should remember his past and be more proud if it is glorious

What it has achieved is sensationalizing and stripping a sentiment and earning a few brownie points with the likeminded. Undoubtedly, it would be very easy for your kind to categorize the critical responses to your article as personalized or biased. If you disagree, I'm sure you have read Hume, Locke, Hobbes, and others , leave alone current affairs to counter the responses.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - Most of states in India have regional language in their state government offices and why not

If not, please refurbish your knowledge and realize that your pen has more responsibility than aggrandizing cheap publicity. The Bengali language proved to be culturally very important to the Bangladeshi people. After the Partition of 1947, Bangladesh lost its educated Hindu class; Bangla or Bengali became a means of identifying their culture and nationalism. When the Pakistani government declared that Urdu would be the only national language, the Bengali language movement campaigned for the recognition of Bengali as a national language. The Bengali language movement contributed to the rise of Bengali literature and is, perhaps, in part, responsible for the huge number of Bengali speakers living today.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - Otherwise another states and countries could have better cultures

Mr. Mukherjee do not keep your eyes closed. Bengsal's Ecconomy has nosed dived to such extent that Calcutta does not come into top 15 cities in India. By size as a city Calcutta is not even in top 15. It is the size of the total walth creatd by the local population.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - Cultures comes from intelligence

Due to my work I have to travel between Pune-Mumbai -Ahmedbaad. I know How people perceive bengalis there. Accept the fact make self and critical ssssment and where bengalis have gone wrong. Imagine a lunatic like Mamta banerjee who could not bring a single inustry to Bengal and who drove out tata from Singur got second chance.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - And it is said well that  what bengali will think today

Here nobody talks about Bengal, people perceive it as a lost state. Even after five dayss, electricity could not be restored through out .south Bengal. You don't need to stop celebrating art and culture to move forward with industrialization and nation-building. We all know about the lack of employment and industries in West Bengal. What is well-documented yet the author chooses to ignore is that a large percentage of research scholars in scientific field in IITs and IIS are from West Bengal.

what do you want to say meaning in bengali - We know we are decaying

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